Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's official. Christina Milian is on the Myspace record label and here's her album cover to prove it.

This was rumored back in January that Myspace would be her new label home after Def Jam dropped her. Her label debut is due next spring. The first single, “Us Against The World,” is a “cinematic power ballad” and will be available via Mypace on October 6.

“I’ve been out of the game for one and a half years, and I think I’m long overdue for a comeback, so I’m treating this album like it’s my last chance to make an impression. I’m competing with myself and being very detailed,” the 26-year-old Cuban-American told Billboard. “Before, I had a label telling me what direction to go in. Now, it’s my choice, so I’m being very particular about it and I’m really excited.”

GV Says: This will be an interesting endeavor. One I hope is successful. She's a sweet girl.

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