Tuesday, September 09, 2008


MTV held the 25th anniversary of their Video Music Awards in LA this year.

I was actually shocked to Rihanna open the show. Didn’t realize she was thought of that highly…but ok. I love Rihanna, but I had my hopes up to see Britney.

Speaking of Britney, she looked good and sober. Good for her and congrats for her first moonman after 16 or so nominations. Some may believe it was a pity vote, but if that's what it takes to get this girl on the right track I'm all for it. I'd love to see her pull it together.
Rihanna actually came back on stage again to perform w/ T.I. Just before that he performed on a set that almost mimicked a music video complete with him walking through a mock city and driving a car.
And of course Chris Breezy was there to support his woman after her performance
I thought Weezy’s choreograph with T-Pain was quite interesting. On a different note…please pull your pants on

GV Says: Overall, I didn't care for the VMAs this year. I didn't like the cinematic sets that LA offered nor did I care for the small arena that it was held in. Please take it back to NY.

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