So word is that Fox Boogie got special treatment in the pen.

A day after reports leaked online which said Foxy Brown received celebrity treatment while serving her prison sentence last year, a corrections spokesman has denied these claims.
Spokesperson Stephen Morello has responded to the allegations that Foxy was able to wear Gucci sneakers in jail and received media interviews.
Morello said yesterday (June 21) that Brown’s 2008 jailhouse interview and photo shoot with a hip-hop magazine, her sporting Gucci sneakers and a Fendi scarf in the prison, and purported extended visits in her cell with a chaplain fell within normal guidelines. “Inmates were entitled to wear their own clothing,” he explained.
“That’s her choice. The interviews were approved by the [Department of Correction's] Department of Media Services. We do it as a matter of routine.” He noted that The Post has conducted many interviews in city jails and that Brown’s lasted for about one hour, which is standard procedure. (New York Post)
Reports spread online over the weekend which said Brown received special treatment.
She spent her time prancing around in Gucci sneakers and a Fendi scarf, and when those got soiled, her jailhouse entourage brought her clean ones. Princess Foxy even got some free press for her new album and guards organized a photo shoot and interview with a magazine that featured Brown in time for the album’s release.
Some people within the Department of Corrections are furious that guards jumped at the opportunity to be lackeys to Brown behind bars. And they say it’s not the first time a star gets an easy time behind bars, courtesy of corrections officers. (NBC Chicago)
Earlier this year, the rapper inked a blog entry which spoke on her experiences being locked up at Riker’s Island prison.
“On Riker’s Island,” she wrote. “Looking at an eight-month bid. Since Shyne got 9, hip-hop’s been on trial…It was during those 23 hours, EVERYDAY, that I looked long and hard at myself. Who I was…from young Inga to Foxy Brown to a number on a docket…I learned to be grateful…grateful to be given another chance. And now I just got to show and prove…not to the world, but to myself.” (Global Grind)
The rapper served just over eight months of a one-year sentence prior to being released on April 18, 2008.
GV Says: It's been over a year....who cares.