Thursday, May 03, 2007


Toastee Toof, the "Flavor of Love 2" tartlet who once squeezed men's heads between her legs under the nom de porn "Natalia the Scissor Vixen," is popping out a sex tape called "Toastee Exposed" - the latest discovery from Vivid Entertainment.

She's described by Vivid co-chairman Steven Hirsch as "cute, energetic, and a talented contortionist," and it's clear from the 40-minute video, says Hirsch, that her "enthusiasm for sex is obvious." "Toastee Exposed" will be released by Vivid on May 16.

In reference to the latest sex tape, Toastee has just released this statement via the VH1 blog:"I have decided that I could either put a lot of time, effort, and money into pursuing legal action to prevent the video's release, or I could put a lot of time effort and money into my medical degree; I choose the latter."

Girl please.......

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