Thursday, June 05, 2008


Solange suffers broken foot.

Looks like Solange soldiered on performing during a Sunday concert in Kansas City, Mo., despite a mechanical mishap that occurred as she made her way on stage, resulting in a broken foot.

As she made her entrance, a large piece of metal fell from the doorway and landed smack on her foot. While Solange made it through her entire set, she was rushed to a nearby Missouri hospital immediately after the show wrapped.

Rather than cancel the remainder of her Art of Love tour, the cast-sporting Solange will continue performing the remainder of her shows. Per doctor's orders, however, she will be cutting down on the latter half of her song-and-dance routine, instead performing the from a centerstage stool.
GV Says: I'm actually interested to hear Solange's project. I actually like her voice.

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